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Online & On-Point Elevating Your Healthcare Presence in the Digital World
Online & On-Point Elevating Your Healthcare Presence in the Digital World Patricia Tran, MD, MS, FAAP Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria For women currently navigating the demanding path ...

Caring for the Caregiver: Power of Peer Support
Understanding Second Victims in Healthcare: A Must for Medical Students Explore the concept of Second Victims in healthcare with Dr. Rivera-Chiauzzi's subject matter expert and Co-Director of HELP Program at Mayo Clinic. Learn what Second ...

Women’s Sexual Function & Dysfunction
Lyndsey Harper, MD, FACOG, IF Founder & CEO Rosy Wellness In this lecture, you will learn the basics of female genital anatomy, sexual function, and dysfunction. Dispel popular myths and help patients who need it ...

Reproductive Life Planning
Julia Files MD and Ariela Marshall MD As physicians and as women we tend to love planning in most aspects of our lives: our education, our careers, and often our personal lives. However, many women ...

Be Your Personal Best
Lopa Misra MD, Sonal Haerter MD, Neera Agrwal, MD Learning objectives: Analyze the importance of a professional presence for women in medicine Demonstrate strategies to achieve a professional appearance Discuss a toolbox of phrases to ...

Mental Health “Kindling the Flame”
Pamela Frazier, MD and Cynthia Stonnington, MD Women make great doctors. Research suggests that the patients of women doctors may fare better in morbidity and mortality than do the patients of male doctors. Yet women ...

Male Allies by Nahid Punjani MD MPH
Male Allies - The idea of Male Allies and Allyship Why This Matters: There is clear data to support gender bias both within and outside of medicine, which has resulted in differential compensation, recognition, academic ...

Using Twitter for Advocacy and ImpactLecture
Leveraging Social Media for Advocacy Public EducationCombatting the Infodemic Importance of amplifying health professionals voices to educate policymakers and the public Social media can allow HCW to effectively participate in advocacy initiatives Case Study: IMPACT ...

Discussion Leadership Panel
Video - Discussion Leadership Panel.mp4 Discussion Leadership Panel Leadership Panel Leadership Panel with Amy Williams MD, Michele Halyard MD, Elizabeth Valencia MD, and Molly Carhanan MD Do you ever wonder what it takes to be ...

Influence of Hormones
Life on the Hormone Highway: The impact of hormonal fluctuations on careers of women physicians Juliana M. Kling, MD MPH Cisgender female physicians experience significant physiologic events unique to women during their lifespan. Hormonal fluctuations, ...